Charles Dickens
Career Expert
2023-12-28 14:31:41

Obtaining your GED has numerous advantages. One benefit is that it could give you an opportunity for growth in your career. You can apply for jobs that need a high school diploma or its equivalent if you have a GED.
You must include information about your GED on your resume when you start looking for jobs. If you wish to have your GED on your resume, put it in the education area.
If you are applying for a job where a diploma is required then you can add GED in Resume.
In this article, we will discuss the following:
- What is a GED, and why is it good for your resume?
- When you can skip listing a GED.
- How to list down GED on your resume.
- Tips to mention GED.
What is a GED? Why is it Good for Your Resume?
For those without a high school degree, there is a General Educational Diploma. Study and take a series of exams to verify your ability, knowledge, and skills. It's meant for people who haven't completed their high school education.
A GED demonstrates to hiring managers that you have the same qualifications as someone with a high school degree, which is helpful if you're looking for a job.
GED V/S High School Degree:
A high school diploma and a GED both show the same level of competency, but there are some important differences. A high school diploma normally requires four years of study, but you can obtain your GED by completing a seven-hour exam covering five different courses. Additionally, a GED does not require additional education, in contrast to your high school graduation. You can still enroll in a prep course or put in some time getting ready for it.
When You Can Skip Listing a GED?
If you have received your college degree, then it is not essential to mention GED on your resume.
How to List Down GED on Your Resume:
Following are the methods to list down your GED on your resume.
Listing in Education Box:
List your GED certificate in the education area of your resume, precisely like you would do with a high school graduation. You can put GED on your resume in place of high school graduation year and school.
Mention with Proper Heading:
Mention your GED as "General Educational Development Certificate" or "General Educational Development Diploma" so the hiring manager knows what you have mentioned.
Working on GED:
If you are working on your GED, add it to your resume, e.g., "in progress" or "currently enrolled."
Mention Relevant Certification:
You can list the names of training courses, seminars, workshops, or other programs on your resume along with their specific date.
Personal Growth and Commitment:
Obtaining a GED often requires dedication and effort. Including it on your resume reflects your commitment to personal and educational growth, showing your ability to overcome challenges and pursue goals.
Should You List GED on Your Resume:
To be eligible for a position at a company, most employers want you to have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Just in case if you don't have one then listing GED will help in these scenarios.
However, you are not required to include your GED on your resume if you are presently enrolled in college or graduated from college before receiving your GED.
Alternatively, you may just put your college education in the resume's education section. Additionally, if you have a solid job history that highlights your qualifications for the position, you may remove the GED from your resume.
GED Risks Sometimes:
Putting a GED instead of education may have several disadvantages. Some hiring managers don't value a GED compared with other forms of education. Consider which works best for your particular situation.
Tips to Mention GED:
Following are the short tips for you:
- Follow a traditional reverse chronological resume format where you include your education section on the top of your resume.
- Create a functional resume that highlights your skills and achievements.
- If you don't have the required experience, then highlight your problem-solving skills, communication skills, and creativity.
How do I write a CV with no experience?
When you have no work experience, use your educational history as a focal point of the CV or resume.
Do employers prefer a CV or a resume?
In the US, CVs are typically requested for job applicants. Unless an employer specifically asked you for a CV or you work in a field where CVs are standard, it's best to submit a resume over a CV.
What if I uploaded the wrong resume to my job?
If a candidate accidentally submitted the wrong document, they should email the recruiter and let them know they'd like to resubmit their application.
How do you get into Harvard with a GED?
Most U.S. colleges, including Ivy League schools like Harvard and Yale, accept an applicant's GED certificate, just as they do a high school diploma.
About The Author

Charles Dickens
Career Expert
2023-12-28 14:31:41
Charles is an accomplished resume writer dedicated to shaping impactful career stories. With extensive experience, Charles specializes in unraveling individual professional journeys and highlighting unique strengths to align with specific career goals. Having assisted diverse job seekers across various career stages, Charles emphasizes the transformative impact of a precisely tailored resume.